Wednesday, October 13, 2010

..OK,I've been a bit of a slacker,but there's a reason....nothing much has actually happened.Until today.But I'll go back.The pain in my leg,around the tumor,has gotten worse.So I made an appointment with Dave Cowall,the paliative care person,who is also a retired oncologist.He took me off morphine and put me on's seems to help..some.I also got a wheelchair..very much fun,and necessary in some situations.I've also been getting lots of attention and visits from friends and relatives...sweet! Joan had made arrangements for a sisters gathering,as well as a catered dinner by Angela H.H. So,I'm there with 6 gorgeous women whom I have known as long as I've known Joan.We started the evening with a "mocsa" treatment that Joan was taught by our friend Matt Young,chinese medicine and acupuncture...took about 45 minutes.During the treatment,the sisters did a hands-on healing,said prayers over me...just an incredible,very moving I'll never forget,followed by a catered lobster dinner.We ate,drank wonderful wine,told stories,laughed,cried hugged for over 3 hours.Went to bed and had the best,most restful nights sleep I'd had in a long time.The next day as we hugged goodby,my friend from Maine,Dave McDaniel drove up to replace them.He's a very good friend we've known since before Joan and I were married.He gave up a job as CEO of a very large home health agency,and was building a hospice when he decided that he wanted to become a organic farmer...and did it.I photographed his wedding on the 182 acre farm he and now wife Heather bought.He came down with a bounty that would cure any one of anything.Reishi mushrooms,vegtables of all kinds,fresh cows, from his neighbor...on and on.It was amazingWe laughed,cried,and ate more wonderful food.He left,and that afternoon,daughter Alyssa came! She has been pampering me non-stop as well. So then this morning,I get a call from Washington Hospital in D.C. They want me there tomorrow at high noon...followed by another call from my Angel Doctor Alex.She informs me that the NIH group met and has come up with a protocol,but I have a couple things to do: get an MRI of my spine,and get a chemical stress test.Those are in the works and should know at weeks end (hopefully). Meanwhile,Alex explains a bit of what the IL-2 protocol is.I look it up on the internet...and freak.The side effects are I the ring with El Toro...wondering if my cape is ready..strong enough..Mexico is still an option for me,and my friend Bill came out of the ring as a winner.My call..I'm just not sure yet.One day at a time...more later. I love you all,Rick