I succeded in convincing the doctors and staff that I needed to be home for our 25th annual Halloween party.They let me out at noon Friday...YAHOO!! I have to say I don't make a good patient,but that's not hard to imagine when you scroll thru all the cliches about hospitals: "wake up Mr Maloof,it's time for your sleeping pill"; "need to take your vitals" (4th time in 24 hours @ 2:00 A.M.) The list goes on as I'm sure most of you know them.In addition to that,it's just not fun being surrounded by folks that are in a bad way.I wanted to be surrounded by cheerful,loving,healthy people....and so it was.The Halloween party was a blast.I'd estimate 75-100 people came thru at some point. Band was as good as ever(thanks you guys for 25 years of outstanding music...wish we'd recorded every event).I was surrounded by loved ones,caring,laughing,happy friends...and for that,I am blessed. I love you all very much.My children we're all there..Dave from Big Sur,CA,Natalei,Alyssa from Philly,Rick Jr from 2 miles down the road...love you sooo much! The party went on until about 3-4 A.M.I passed out around 2:30 and had a very sound sleep.
I am wearing this "body armor" called an abductor brace,and was told to wear it whenever out of bed,for 6 weeks.Then I'll need to have it xrayed. It's really uncomfortable,but the consequences are way too high not to.Know what I mean? I..we are going to NIH for clinic and consult on Tuesday the 9th.They will explain their protocol to us and then I'll have to make a decision...which I've already done.Joan and I will be leaving the following morning for SanDiego,CA to be picked up by our folks from the Rubio Clinic in Mexico,just accross the border.We'll be there for 4 weeks for treatment.I know some of you reading this will think...wha?? Also travelling with us will be Bill Rolig,who has been through it (after diligently researching all the options in the U.S) and is in remarkable condition.He was in Stage IV also,and is now kickin cancer butt.So after careful consideration,we're there.Also travelling with us is my big brother Dan.God bless him.He said...you won't need to have any fundraisers...I'm on it. He's saving my life.I am so blessed,I can't stop the tears sometimes...and they feel good...like right now!
The pictures at the top are from my cell phone.Some need no explanation...some do...but I don't know how to add captions.All the people pics are just some of the friends that came to visit in the 4 days I was in Health South.The one really ugly shot is the stapled scar on my leg.There are 33 staples.Coincidently,my lucky number is 33.I'm thinking of changing it. Love to all,Rickster